Atención ¡!!!!!!!
Atención ¡!!!!!
Aviso importante :
debido a que las serie de la Guerra Española de Sucesión, a llegado a su
fin de la edición limitada indicada en su momento , informamos que
Ya no se podrán volver a obtener las cajas en su formato
habitual de las refs :
No obstante como el público sigue solicitando estas figuras, procederemos a reacondicionar los sets, mezclando figuras
afines con nuevos accesorios y en casos con nuevas figuras adicionales a las
existentes, siempre será indicado en el folleto informativo que se adjunta en esta
página de Blog.
tambien introduciremos como minimo dos nuevas cajas.
tambien introduciremos como minimo dos nuevas cajas.
Attention !!!!!!! Attention !!!!!!!
Important Notice: due the fact that the series of the Spanish War of Succession, to come to an end of the limited edition indicated on due time, we reported that
No longer will be able to get the boxes back in their usual format Refs:
However as the public continues to seek these figures, we will recondition sets, mixing similar kind of figures doing accordingly armies involved on that era 1700-1725 with new accessories and some cases with new additional figures to existing , always will be indicated in the leaflet info, attached to this page Blog.
also as minimum we will introduce two new boxes.
Important Notice: due the fact that the series of the Spanish War of Succession, to come to an end of the limited edition indicated on due time, we reported that
No longer will be able to get the boxes back in their usual format Refs:
However as the public continues to seek these figures, we will recondition sets, mixing similar kind of figures doing accordingly armies involved on that era 1700-1725 with new accessories and some cases with new additional figures to existing , always will be indicated in the leaflet info, attached to this page Blog.
also as minimum we will introduce two new boxes.